Contribute to Keep The Change
Since starting Keep The Change in 2020, we have been able to help thousands of kiwis learn about money and improve their financial literacy. We have done this via our weekly Money Mail emails, podcasts and webinars.
As we continue to grow and aim to provide valuable financial literacy lessons to more Kiwis, we need support to get our lessons, content and messages out to people.
Recently, subscribers have asked how they can also get involved and support us to achieve our goals.
You can now do this by contributing to Keep to Change with any of the selections below. If we don't have the right option for you, please reach out.
We Appreciate All Support, Big Or Small
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Contribute to The Community
Reach 250 New Zealanders
Get 2 new Money Mail Subscribers
Help increase the finanical literacy of New Zealand
Get the word out there!
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Contribute to The Community
Reach 1,000 New Zealanders
Get 8 new Money Mail Subscribers
Help increase the finanical literacy of New Zealand
Helping our Future <3
Gift $
Contribute to The Community
Reach 2,500 New Zealanders
Get 25 new Money Mail Subscribers
Help increase the finanical literacy of New Zealand