Keep The Change

Enrol For Night School 

Improve your financial eduction. Learn from other people's mistakes. Break the back of the most common financial problems. Join others in the Keep The Change Community. Access videos, templates, activities and ask YOUR questions.

  • Full access, to over 20 chapters, lessons & templates.

  • Critical steps, to improving your financial literacy.

  • Build a long term plan and budget, with the tools provided.

  • Learn about the most common financial mistakes that stop people all around the world improving their finances.

  • Learn from others - exclusive community, of like minded people on a money journey just like you.

  • Simple, bite sized chapters to help those more committed to their learning.

  • Online, learning platform you can log into when it suits you to learn as you go.



?Welcome ?What Do You Believe? ?Get Your Finances In Order ?Master Your Money Emotions ?Organising Your Finances ?Are You Making Enough Money? ?Have A Long Term Financial Plan ?Review Your Finances Regularly ?Taking Action ?Ask Questions ?Don't Bury Your Head In The Sand ?You Can't Get Your Mistakes Back ?Take Responsibility Of Your Future ?It Can All Be Lost Quickly Too ?Accountability - Cheap But Valuable ?Money Confidence

?Have Discipline ?Consistency Creates Results ?Making Improvements ?Common Money Mistakes ?Whats Next?

Practical Lessons Anyone Can Implement

BONUS: Access A Community, of other purchasers with Q&A

Access To Experts To Answer Questions (Accountants, Mortgage Advisors & more)

BONUS: INSTANT Access To Our Other Popular Keep The Change Lessons

➖Budgeting Templates ➖Saving Tactics ➖Debt ➖Breaking Down $100k ➖Average Kiwi Income ➖Building Wealth ➖Secondary Tax ➖Starting A Side Hustle ➖Understanding NZ Tax


The money you pay is used to improve the content, fund the platforms it sits on and provide a learning community environment for members of Keep The Change.


I know that Kiwis are sceptical buggers who think someone is trying to rip them off or take their money for bugger all in return.



How do I know that? Well I used to be like that too. Scared to spend on things that I wasn't sure would teach me anything. I was happy to buy 86 beers on a Saturday night though...


Anyway, if you want your money back, no worries just sing out, it is no big deal. 


BUT ONLY if you actually work through all of the chapters and don't feel like you've made progress with your financial literacy.

I am trying to create something Kiwis can work through in their own time to improve their I kind of need it to work....


You are swapping money for a commitment to your learning, that is what you are really paying for.

  • Money back, if you guarantee you learn nothing.

  • No dickheads, sorry but this is for genuine learners so dickheads will be refunded.

  • No Ponzi schemes, no this isn't a Ponzi scheme but we have info on them...

Luke Kemeys

Keep The Change